3 Signs You Need A Rodent Exterminator | Critter Control Of Tampa

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3 Signs You Need a Rodent Exterminator

A few rats or mice in your office building might not seem like a critical issue that requires professional help. You might think that you can set up a few traps and solve the problem yourself in a couple of days. However, there comes a point where an exterminator is necessary to eradicate the issue and restore your office to a clean and safe state.

When to Call a Rodent Exterminator

It is a good idea to abandon your DIY efforts and to call a commercial rodent exterminator right away when you begin to notice:

  1. Multiple Rodent Sightings

Even though rodents are mostly nocturnal animals, they will sometimes make an appearance during daylight hours. While any rodent sightings are cause for concern, a repeat occurrence is quite often the result of a serious infestation problem. Another strong indicator is the sightings of both young and old rodents at the same time. This heavily implies that there is a significant rodent problem, as the critters have been around long enough to reproduce. Make sure to hire a professional exterminator when a rodent sighting turns into an everyday occurrence.

  1. Numerous Rat Droppings

If you have a large rat infestation, you will probably notice the presence of rodent droppings and urine puddles close to the walls or in the corners of your building. At this point, a professional rodent exterminator should be contacted to address the problem immediately.

  1. Signs of Property Damage

Another way to know that the rodent problem in your workplace is urgent is the sight of damage to structures or equipment in your space. Rodents will chew through all sorts of materials including thin metal, wood, plastic, and even electrical wires. This proves to be costly for your business and should not be allowed to continue.

The Benefits of Professional Rodent Removal Services

It is often difficult to find out that you have a rodent problem on your property until it is already out of control. At Critter Control® of Tampa, we are able to help you restore your workplace to its original rodent-free state by safely and humanely removing all rodents from your workplace and cleaning up the mess they leave behind. We will also install safeguards to ensure rodents cannot return.

Tampa’s Trusted Commercial Rodent Exterminators

At Critter Control® at Tampa we ensure that your rodent problem is resolved quickly and permanently so your business can get back to work. Our licensed and trained team of technicians will assess the severity of your rat or mouse infestation and devise a custom rodent removal plan that fits your needs, schedule, and budget. To schedule your inspection and receive a free rat removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Tampa today at 813-948-0870.

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