Does DIY Mouse Control Work? | Critter Control Tampa

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A brown mouse sticks its head out of a hole in a wall with blue and white wallpaper.
A man with blue safety gloves places a plastic mouse trap along the wall of a basement.

Dealing with mice can be an exercise in patience, creativity, and persistence. The rodents breed quickly, contaminate food and surfaces, chew up wiring and infrastructure, and are difficult to kill. Fortunately, you don’t need to roll over and accept your fate. Here are a few DIY mouse control methods you can try to help control the mice in your home.

DIY Mouse Control Methods

There are a few different approaches you can take to effectively prevent a mice infestation. Often, the most successful results come from employing two or more of the following methods at the same time.

  • Mice Repellents –Natural mouse repellents offer a way to prevent a rodent problem that is safe around humans and pets. First, identify the areas where mice are active. This will help you determine where to place the repellent. Mice often run behind appliances, along shelves, under stairs, and in other dark, tight spaces to avoid detection while patrolling for food and water. Typically, natural mouse repellants consist of strongly scented powders or oils. Popular options include:

    • Peppermints and peppermint oil
    • Chili or cayenne pepper powders
    • Cat litter with ammonia
    • Mothballs
    • Botanical repellents made up of essential oils and plants that are known to irritate mice

      If you have a serious mouse problem,  multiple types of repellents may be needed to effectively deter the pests. While these DIY mice repellents may work temporarily, mice can build up a natural immunity to the smells over time. When this happens, it may be time to step up your tactics.
  • Mice Poison –Rodenticides are specifically designed to kill mice. The poisons are typically available in both pellet and liquid form. Pellets are the most common type of mouse poison, with a base that usually consists of wheat or corn to make it enticing to mice. Liquid mouse poison is less common, but it can be more effective and versatile than pellets in certain situations.

    The two most common types of toxicants used in mouse poisons are warfarin and bromethalin. Warfarin is a blood-clotting agent that prevents the production of vitamin K in rodents, which leads to a slow deterioration in health until they eventually expire. Bromethalin is a highly potent rodenticide that works within 24 to 36 hours.

    While DIY-applied mouse poisons can be highly effective, it can be extremely dangerous to leave around your home, especially if you have young children or pets who may mistakenly ingest it. Utilize mouse poison with caution, or call in a pest control company with trained experts who can handle it for you.
  • Mouse Traps –Mouse traps come in different shapes and sizes, but the most common type is the snap trap. Snap traps work by luring the mouse into a trigger zone with some kind of food or other bait, which causes a metal bar to snap closed and kill the mouse. These traps are easy to set up and use. Other options include electronic traps, which operate by shocking the mouse when it enters the trap, terminating the rodent instantly.

    Since mice prefer to run along walls or covered areas where they are not in the open, traps should be strategically placed to capture them in these spots. Other places to set traps include areas you have noticed gnaw marks, food remnants, droppings, or nesting materials. While mouse traps are an effective way to get rid of mice, they can be unsafe and easily triggered by curious pets and children.
  • Mouse Predators –Your furry friend can be an alternative solution to your mouse problem. Cats are natural predators of mice and can help keep them away from your home. Cats have a strong sense of smell and will often investigate any new scents in their environment. If they detect even the faintest odor of a mouse in your house, they’ll be sure to let you know.
A brown and orange cat looks at a mouse sitting on a table.

While DIY mice control methods may provide you with temporary mouse relief, ultimately, your best bet for permanent freedom from invasive rodents is to contact mice removal professionals.

Rely on Mice Removal Professionals

Mice are not an easy problem to deal with, and you deserve to not be frustrated by them any longer than necessary. Don’t go one more day worried about the next time you might catch a mouse wandering around in your garage or cupboards. If you are done dealing with invasive mice in your Tampa area home, give Critter Control® of Tampa a call.

Tampa’s Top Mice Control Experts

At Critter Control® at Tampa, our licensed and trained professionals are prepared to inspect your home and provide next level pest control services to help resolve your rodent problem. We use safe and non-toxic methods to ensure that your infestation is resolved quickly and permanently. To schedule your inspection and receive a free mice removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Tampa today at 813-948-0870.

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