Should I Kill Wasps? | Critter Control Of Tampa

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Wasps by a house

With large, menacing black-and-yellow bodies and a prominent stinger poised to inflict pain, wasps have developed a somewhat well-earned reputation as a fearsome pest. But as cousins to the humble bumblebees, who are vital for pollinating crops and other plants, are wasps truly all bad? Should “save the bees” also apply to wasps?

It’s true that wasps are critters that sometimes need to be controlled, but they indeed have their purpose. Not sure how to kill wasps, or if you should? Your local pest control experts can help.

What Threats Do Wasps Pose?

Wasp stings are undeniably painful. Wasp venom is intended to incapacitate and kill smaller insects, including bees, and consists of a mixture of allergens and toxins. But it is not simply the presence of venom that makes wasps more dangerous than bees. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times, and since wasps are social creatures, you’re likely to encounter multiple wasps—the number of stings can add up quickly.

In addition, wasps are territorial and aggressive. In fact, groups of wasps won’t build another nest if there’s another wasp nest already in close proximity. Wasps are therefore protective of their nest, which could quickly become a problem if they build a nest near egress points in your home.

But wasps pose a life-threatening threat to those with wasp allergies, which unfortunately aren’t clear until after you’ve been stung by a wasp. In the U.S., over half a million people go to the emergency room from being stung by a stinging insect every year.

Do Wasps Provide any Benefits?

If the story on wasps ended here, you might naturally think that the answer to “should I kill wasps” is a resounding yes. But wasps provide benefits that complicate the answer to the question.

First, and most importantly for the environment, is that wasps are pollinators. Though at first glance it seems that hornets would not be capable of pollination, they nevertheless can and do assist with pollination.

But it doesn’t just stop there. Wasps are predators, and their prey are the types of insects and bugs that you also don’t want around. Wasps happily kill flies, caterpillars, and the enemy of every gardener or farmer, the aphid. In other words, if wasps aren’t bothering you, then there’s no need to get rid of them.

When Is It Good to Get Rid of Wasps?

Generally speaking, just spying a few wasps here and there around your property is not a big deal. Wasps fly and explore and search for food, and the presence of a few wasps does not mean that you have an infestation on your hands. However, it is when you encounter wasp nests that you want to be careful. Consider wasp control:

  • If a wasp nest is near a commonly-used doorway or window—if wasps can easily get into your home, or if you will routinely encounter multiple wasps near a door, you should get rid of the wasp nest.
  • If you, a family member, or a routine guest are allergic—Wasp allergies are no joke. Don’t risk anaphylactic shock or a trip to the ER if you don’t have to.
  • If a wasp nest is near your business—Even if you haven’t had any wasp problems, being proactive about wasps is better than the alternative.

How to Kill Wasps

There are a handful of ways to kill, get rid of, or prevent wasps from taking up residence in your property.

Wasp-Repelling Plants

If you are particularly interested in the Save the Bees movement, a non-invasive solution such as wasp-repelling plants could be the way to go. There aren’t a particularly wide variety of such plants, but some options include:

  • Wormwood
  • Citronella
  • Eucalyptus
  • Mint

Wasp Repellent

Commercially available wasp repellent from your local hardware store is an option, and they are generally effective. Liquid spray wasp repellents feature chemicals that kill wasps and deter them from returning. However, these repellents are not pet-safe.

Recently, ultrasonic wasp repellents have become more common. These devices are designed to deter pest activity through the emittance of ultrasonic waves that cannot be heard by humans. Unfortunately, scientific studies show that such repellents are generally ineffective, so other options ought to be prioritized.

Wasp and Insect Control Near You

Though there are plenty of reasonably effective do-it-yourself methods to getting rid of wasps, such methods carry risks. Improper usage of liquid repellent may enrage a wasp nest rather than properly getting rid of the insects like you wanted.

Here at Critter Control, our pest control professionals are trained and have the experience to identify wasp nests and suggest the best course of action. Whether you’re a local Tampa area resident or business owner, we’ve got your back with affordable and effective pest control.

We’re dedicated to providing the pest control that you need and deserve. Got a wasp problem? No need to get stung by poor pest control—you can trust us to help. Call us to learn more or simply request your free pest control quote today!

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