Cockroach Control & Exterminator Services In Tampa, FL | Critter Control Of Tampa

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Cockroach Control in Tampa: We’ve Got Your Back!

Whether you’re a seasoned Florida resident or a recent transplant, one thing’s for sure: cockroaches will eventually make an appearance in your home. These moisture-loving, heat-seeking critters thrive in the Sunshine State’s warm and humid climate. But fear not—we’re here to prevent the invasion.

Cockroach Exterminator in Tampa, FL

Whether you’re a longtime Florida resident or a recent transplant, sooner or later you’ll probably find a cockroach in your home. Cockroaches are drawn to moisture and heat, and unfortunately, the Sunshine State’s warm and humid climate is perfect for these scuttling critters. From damaging your belongings to spreading diseases, there are many reasons why it’s important to prevent a cockroach infestation.

Thankfully, you can take steps to protect your home and family from cockroaches. Critter Control® of Tampa can help you educate yourself on cockroaches and how to prevent them from invading your home. From the species found in Florida to effective pest control methods, this guide will help you prepare for any potential cockroach invasion.

Contact Us Today For Cockroach Exterminator Services!

Peace of mind awaits. Call our pest control experts at 813-948-0870 or schedule your free home consultation online. Let’s keep those roaches in check!

Types of Cockroaches in Tampa

cockroach control in tampa

Tampa is home to a wide variety of cockroach species ready to infest your home. Discover the different types of species that may find their way into your living space, and call Critter Control® of Tampa for cockroach control solutions.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach is the largest home-invading cockroach, measuring 50 mm in length. It is also considered a major pest throughout the United States. Also known as water bugs, Bombay canaries, or palmetto bugs, American cockroaches are notorious for infesting homes in search of food and shelter. They are reddish-brown and oval-shaped, with a distinct figure-eight shape on the back of their heads.

Due to their large size, American cockroaches’ droppings are often confused with mouse droppings. If you’re not sure what kind of pest may have invaded your home, contact Critter Control® of Tampa. Our experts will be glad to answer your questions.

German Cockroach

While the Australian cockroach is the most common cockroach species found in southern Florida, the German cockroach is the most notorious. This tiny brown cockroach is found throughout the world, plaguing humans wherever there is warmth, food, and water. It’s best to call in professionals to the identity of this pesky species, as German cockroaches can cause skin irritation with their painful bite and trigger asthma attacks.

Asian Cockroach

While significantly smaller than American cockroaches, the Asian cockroach is capable of spreading a variety of diseases to you and your family. You can identify these tiny critters by their light brown color and two parallel lines near the back of their heads. However, because this species is almost entirely identical to the German cockroach, it’s best to let professionals identify the cockroaches in your home.

Australian Cockroach

The Australian cockroach is the most common cockroach species found in southern Florida. While it may look similar to the American cockroach at a glance, you can identify it by the light brown-yellow bands on its wings covers where they meet the head. Australian cockroaches typically prefer the outdoors, but can easily invade your home through holes, cracks, and unsealed entries.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

Often mistaken for the German cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach uses its small size and shape to invade your home. Unlike species such as the Australian cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach is considered domestic, which means it solely lives indoors. You can identify a brown-banded cockroach by the two light, irregular bands on its wing covers.

Florida Woods Cockroach

Also referred to as a palmetto bug, the Florida woods cockroach is considered a peridomestic species, which means it is attracted to outdoor areas of human activity. Places you may find this thick, dark brown cockroach include greenhouses, storage sheds, and water pumps. While capable of invading your home, the Florida woods cockroach is slow-moving and unable to fly, which makes surviving indoors undetected difficult.

Oriental Cockroach

Sometimes referred to as a black beetle, the oriental cockroach is considered a major household pest throughout the United States. Adult oriental cockroaches’ black color makes it easy to distinguish them from other cockroach species. In addition, they are flightless, despite having wings. Like many cockroach species, the oriental cockroach is drawn to the damp, dark areas of your home.

Cockroach Control in Greater Tampa

Nobody wants cockroaches in their home or business. That is why Critter Control of Tampa provides roach control services to the following communities in greater Tampa:

Contact Critter Control® of Tampa Cockroach Pest Control Solutions

No matter what species they may be, if you’ve found cockroaches in your home, it’s crucial to call in professionals immediately. Critter Control® of Tampa’s experts have over 30 years of experience in protecting Tampa homes from these pests. We offer three effective solutions for ridding your home of cockroaches, including:

  • Extermination: Our technicians will use sprays and traps to quickly control the cockroach population house or place of work.
  • Fumigation: For more intense infestations, we’ll fumigate your home or business so cockroaches have nowhere to hide.
  • Removal: Once we’ve stopped cockroaches in their tracks, we’ll remove the critters and any other signs of an infestation.

You deserve peace of mind and protection from a cockroach invasion. Give our pest control experts a call, or schedule your free home consultation online today.

FAQs About Cockroach Control

Can cockroaches fly?

Yes, some cockroaches can fly, but the full answer is a little more complicated. Most adult cockroaches have wings, but not all cockroaches use their wings to fly. Some cockroaches, like the American cockroach, only use their wings for gliding, while others can fly for longer periods of time.

However, though they can fly, cockroaches usually only fly away from predators. As you may have seen if you’ve had a Florida cockroach infestation, cockroaches prefer to crawl around, and you are far more likely to see roaches on the ground than in the air.

Where do cockroaches live?

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures and, combined with their preferred habitat, can be tricky to find. That’s because cockroaches live in dark, damp places. In your home, this means that cockroaches are most commonly found in basements and in bathrooms, where there are plenty of wet nooks and crannies to explore.

How much does cockroach control cost?

Pest control prices for cockroach infestations—commonly known in Florida as Palmetto bugs—can start at under $100 per month for residential properties. A cockroach/palmetto bug pest infestation must be evaluated first. After the initial treatment a maintenance program can be set up monthly, or quarterly for these pests along with all problem pests.

Your Critter Control licensed pest control operator will provide a detailed estimate and review it with you prior to starting any work.

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