Does Homeowners Insurance Pay For Attic Bat Damage?

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""Anyone who has ever dealt with an animal infestation in their home understands how upsetting and overwhelming it is to not only get rid of the critters but to clean up the mess and repair the damage left behind.

Damage and Disease Issues

Even if you have a few bats in your home, you want to address the issue right away to avoid the following potentially serious problems:

Structural Damage – Large colonies of bats leave droppings (guano) which pile up, creating a strong, unpleasant odor. In addition to being a health hazard, the droppings along with bat urine can put your home at risk of structural damage. Over time, the waste can drip through the attic floor, soak sheetrock and particle board, contaminate insulation, and in extreme cases cause the structural interior to collapse.

Bat Mites – also known as bat bugs, these parasites are similar to bed bugs because they consume the blood of a host. As bat mites feed on the blood of humans or pets, they cause skin irritations such as itchiness, reddening, burning, bumps, etc.

Diseases – Bats, like other mammals, can carry rabies, although the risk of humans being bitten by a bat is low. Their guano carries spores for Histoplasmosis, an infection caused by the Histoplasma fungus. Individuals who breathe in the microscopic fungal spores from the air may obtain symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, chills, headache, chest pain, and body aches.

Homeowner’s Coverage

Because bats enter pre-existing holes or gaps in a home’s exterior or roof, many insurance companies consider the infestation to be a maintenance issue, and therefore will not cover the costs to remove the bats from your attic. However, if bats cause physical damage to your home not covered by your homeowner’s insurance, your policy may help pay for the repairs.

What you may be covered for depends on your specific insurer, so it is best to contact your insurance company to find out what kind of protection you have regarding the bat damage in your attic.

Bat Removal

Critter Control© of Tampa specializes in the removal of bats and can take care of the necessary clean up and repairs. For a free estimate, contact us today by calling 813-328-6646 or fill out a contact form online.

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