Do Armadillos Live In Cities? | Critter Control Of Tampa

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Do Armadillos Live in Cities?While they are not native to Florida, armadillos have managed to adapt well both to Tampa and the rest of the state’s ecosystem. More commonly found in yards rather than inside homes, armadillos can be a lawn and garden’s worst nightmare as they destroy beautiful landscaping by digging holes in the ground in search of insects to eat. Unfortunately, their populations in urbanized areas have greatly increased, causing the number of complaints our experts receive to rise.

Armadillo Natural Habitats

Because they rely on insects for food, armadillos are not typically found in large cities. Instead, they prefer more urbanized environments where food and water are prevalent. While they may venture into cities, woodsy environments are more their style. Armadillos have sometimes been spotted on man-made greenways, such as golf courses or along roads, looking for food.

Identifying Armadillos

Armadillos are about two feet long and weigh 10–15 pounds on average. They can be easily identified by the shield-like plates covering their entire body. These keratin plates allow them to roll up into a ball for protection from predators. They are either brown or gray in color, with a long, sticky tongue and pointed snout. They have extremely short legs with very sharp claws that help them dig for food.

Armadillo Damage

City residents may not need to be concerned with armadillo damage, but those who live in urbanized neighborhoods or own businesses near wooded areas should be on the lookout. While the damage caused by armadillos may appear to be cosmetic, there are more pressing threats. Due to their burrowing habits, the structural integrity of homes, buildings, roads, and bridges can be compromised. Severe damage to these infrastructures can lead to traffic accidents and related injuries.

Contact Professionals

Armadillos can be dangerous. They carry harmful diseases that can be transmitted to humans. If you have seen an armadillo around your property or believe there may be an armadillo problem in your neighborhood, please contact our Critter Control® of Tampa professionals today for your free consultation.

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